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Merry Christmass
and a happy New Year 2024
best wishes from
Art'n Oil

Are curious,
come on a visit to my studio!
I would be glad about your visit!
in my studio in Margetshöchheim
" Acryl- / Oilpainting "
max. 4 attendee per Workshop (Colors and paintbrushes are available for a low fee to the use. Cost of materials individually after consumption)
enrollment under Fon. 0172-9319678 o. info@art-n-oil.com
Presentation of the business award "REGIONIS 20ll"
at Mercedes Benz Branch Würzburg 8 March 2012
Winner: InnoSenT Radartechnologiy

Business price of the Junior Chamber International Lower Franconia
design & production by
Art´n Oil, Sylvia Roswora
Pictures of the last exhibition in the orangerie of the Residence of Würzburg:
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